Things got busy. Life happened for a while, and it was nice. Life is still happening, and I have some things to talk about.
At some point, even in all the postpartum wtf-ery, being a parent actually became fun? I was told it might happen but had a hard time believing it until it started happening to me. My older kiddo has turned into a hilarious, brilliant, chatty, wonderful, and creative kid.
Yes, you read that right – after all of the struggle of my first postpartum period, there is a younger kiddo now. As things got easier postpartum, my brain said “Hey, let’s do that again.” And I said, “Sure, why not?”

There’s a whole story there, one with a lot of plot twists and sadness, but with a happy ending. I learned a lot on the way, and I know that what I have to say will resonate with some of you.
I’m still definitely in the trenches of motherhood, sometimes struggling to cope with the realities of parenting two kids, sometimes thriving in this season. It’s been a ride.
More to come soon.